The teacher I have chosen for this month’s TroJournal is Mrs. Dawn Rohrer. Mrs. Rohrer teaches creative writing and English nine. She has been teaching at Southeast for 23 years. She grew up in Salina Kansas and went to school at Southeast when she was younger. Mrs. Rohrer got her Masters and Bachelors degrees at Kansas State University. She says that her hidden talent is gardening and making people laugh.
Some of the main things that she loves about teaching at Southeast is making long-lasting relationships with students and she also loves that when she started teaching it felt like a homecoming because this is where she went to school. She is also very grateful that she has the opportunity to teach at a school like this. One question that Mrs. Rohrer was asked was what she would be doing if she wasn’t a teacher. She replied, “If I wasn’t a teacher, I think maybe I would be a writer, probably a blogger; or maybe I would work on a ranch raising good-quality cow-calf pairs with awesome genetics. Maybe I would work in a greenhouse raising flowers and vegetables… or raise goodies for people to enjoy at a Farmer’s Market.” Another question she was asked was asking what she is passionate about outside of school. She said that she loves being around family and friends along with naps.
In conclusion, Mrs. Rohrer is very passionate about what she does and is very good at teaching. As a former student, I can say that she was definitely on my list of favorites.