Spooky Season

October 15, 2021
Halloween is a time for spooky festivities. People often look forward to Trick-Or-Treating, decorating their homes, and carving pumpkins. While this may seem juvenile, there is one Halloween activity that many high school students are greatly anticipating: dressing in costumes.
Students have reported that they plan to dress up as something fun and original every year. Junior, Chase Gilpin’s, favorite costume she ever dressed up as was a nun. Freshman Josie Heller reported that her favorite costume was a witch. Some other costumes listed were Captain America, a bumblebee, Transformer, and a crazy cat lady.
Going in your costume around town Trick or Treating or going to a costume party is part of the Halloween experience. When surveying the students, 68.4% of the student population reported that they would rather go to a Halloween Party while 31.6% would go Trick or Treating.
Halloween music is another way that students get into the spirit for the Halloween season. Many students’ favorite festive songs are Monster Mash, Spooky Scary Skeletons, Purple People Eater, Thriller, and This is Halloween from “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” People often do not associate music with Halloween, but there are still many favorite tunes according to students.
Arguable, the best part of Halloween is dumping out your bag of candy and picking out your favorite, and eating it. M&M’s, Kit Kats, Reeces, Candy Corn, Snickers, Pixi Sticks, Twix, Milkyway, and Heath bars are many students’ favorites. Along with anything, full-sized, as this always sparks excitement in students’ minds.
There are also many spooky Halloween movies to enjoy this season. According to Freshman, Allison Moddelmog, her preferred movie is Halloween Town. Many others were Hocus Pokus, Nightmare Before Christmas, Adams Family, and the list goes on.
Pumpkin Carving is something everyone does at least once. Students would carve houses, faces, or their favorite sport. Along with many other traditions people do like hanging out with friends, watching movies, passing out candy, going to haunted trails, and hanging out with their family.
Halloween only comes once a year, and when it comes around, people are ready to get in the spirit. All of the previously mentioned traditions and practices show just how the students of Southeast of Saline get into the spirit of Halloween fun. What will you do this Halloween?