For some people, college is approaching very quickly. There always seems to be uncertainty about what kids should take to college. Some kids buy and take way too much stuff, that they never actually end up using it. In fact, the average college student produces a whopping 640 pounds of trash annually, the majority of which accumulates at the end of the year during move-out. (Planet Aid)
Two of Southeast’s recent graduates shared their thoughts on what was beneficial and what they could have gone without regarding their dorm and college purchases. The recent graduates shared what they thought was the most expensive item they have and one thing they regret buying.
The first graduate answered, “The most expensive item I bought was my computer and I definitely recommend getting a nice one because you will do everything on it.” The second graduate replied, “My laptop because it is one hundred percent worth it because I know I will need it for all of my classes and I know it is going to last me at least four years.”
The second question that was asked was what was one thing they regret buying or don’t use at all. The first graduate replied, “One thing I regret buying was all the textbooks for my classes because we never use them. I would recommend waiting until after the first few classes to see if your professors will use or reference them.” The second graduate commented, “Books for classes. Wait until you go to class for the first week or two before you buy any textbooks. I bought them before classes even started thinking I would be ahead of the game, but I haven’t used a single one because my professors base their tests off of their notes.”
After gaining information from two recent graduates, it’s very helpful to determine what the necessities of college are. Often it’s better to wait a few weeks after freshman year has started to truly get what is needed, as bringing unnecessary items can result in clutter and a waste of money.