The teacher I chose this month is Mrs. Brooke Petty. Mrs. Petty is an agricultural teacher. She teaches plant and soil science, animal science, agricultural mechanics, and agricultural science. Mrs. Petty grew up on her family farm outside of Minneapolis Kansas and attended elementary school and high school in Minneapolis.
Mrs. Petty attended Kansas State University and got her degree in agricultural education. She then went to Washburn University and got her Masters in communications and leadership. One of the questions that Mrs. Petty was asked was, what would you be if you weren’t a teacher? She replied that she didn’t know exactly what she would do but she would still like to do something with teenagers and agriculture. Some reasons that Mrs. Petty decided to teach at Southeast of Saline are because two out of her three kids attend Southeast, as well as she likes the fact that she lives in the same community as the school she teaches at and she loves the K-12 aspect of the building. Some more things she loves about teaching are the way she gets to comfortably push students out of their comfort zones as well as being able to connect well with them.
Mrs. Petty was asked if she had a hidden talent. She replied that she loves to bake and she decorates every birthday cake for her three kids and three nieces. The last question she was asked was if she had anything she was passionate about outside of school. Mrs. Petty said that she loves country music and going to live concerts. She also loves making time for her husband and kids. She is also really close with her mom and sister so she loves spending time with them.