5 Ways To Authenticate Your Insta


Sydnee Poague, Sports Editor

 Today, over one billion people use Instagram in some way or another.  With that many people using the app you can see all sorts of content, different aesthetics, some may even use it for business related purposes. It is interesting to see all of the peoples aesthetics, it truly releases their personality. However, some people think they need to follow trends and post the same as others do. We all have a different way of using the app and some of us use the same techniques and some of us use completely different techniques. I have narrowed down some key points to Authentise your insta. 

First you want to start off with a good bio. You need to make sure your Instagram is attractive. It needs to be able to tell your audience who you are and what content you like to post. For example mine is “ my name, what my favorite sport is, and to be positive. It is also followed by a link to a St. Jude website so anyone could click on it and send a Valentines Day card to a patient battling cancer to make their day. So right there, you can tell that I am an athlete, positive and caring, and that is what I want to come off as.

Now that you’ve got your bio sorted out it is time to create a content plan. If you create a low-quality, boring account with too many words on all the posts, don’t expect to have success. Instagram is all about the content you post. You want to keep it simple but also post stuff that might interest your followers.

Next, you want to optimize your photos. Your photos should be interesting, clear and attention grabbing. While Instagram provides an array of filters to use in your pictures. There are other photo editing apps such as after light or VSCO to make your pictures look even better. Grabbing somebody’s attention can be as easy as having all sorts of colors in one picture. You can also choose a theme to fit your authenticity. There are all sorts of themes like bright and colorful, black and white, you could honestly just play around with it. That’s the fun part about it!

Another thing is to use hashtags with your pictures. Using hashtags can help you increase the number of people who look at your profile. For example, if you post a photo about shoes and tag it using #shoes, your image will appear to anyone who has clicked on or searched for the shoes hashtag. However, use tags that are relevant to the image you are posting. 

Utilize Instagram stories. Instagram stories can be used in various ways. You can create polls, give shout outs, sell stuff, etc! Stories can be a fun way of showing your creativity. Many people use it to announce a new post so they can increase their engagement. Along with this, there are Instagram story highlights. After 24 hours the story disappears but with the highlight feature you can put it back on your profile. 

So now that you know more about how to authenticate your Instagram, go and play around! There are many other different ways to Authentise it, I just covered the basics. Of course it is your Instagram and you can do whatever you want with it. Just have fun with it.