Students honored with Trojan Choice Awards
May 4, 2021
The Trojan Choice Award is a longstanding tradition at SES, in which each teacher selects a student recipient from their classes. The purpose of the award is “to promote good citizenship and qualities of character which are known to foster success in adult lives.”
Characteristics teachers look for when choosing award winners are displaying a good work ethic, displaying a cooperative personality with adults and peers, and teamwork.
“I feel honored and grateful to accomplish this award. My older sisters got the award when they were in high school and it feels great to do the same. Mr. Krehbiel is a great teacher and a great man. He cares for all his students and he takes the time out of his day to make sure you understand the project you’re doing in his class. Mr. Krehbiel teaches you life lessons in his class and will get you ready for life when it hits. He builds champions in life,” said senior award recipient Sterling Harp.
Chosen students were honored with a breakfast banquet, which will be carried out normally, contrary to last year’s awards where teachers had to make a short video presentation for a virtual awards ceremony.
Below is the full list of students chosen by their respective teachers. The Trojournal also has a photo gallery with individual winners and comments from teachers.
Teacher Name First Choice
Terry Anderson Erica Francis
Todd R Baird Kylar Dewhirst
Keri Boley Amber Beaumont
Trenton Douglas Kayleb Qualls
Scott Emme Jake Gebhardt
Mitch Gebhardt Trever Keller
Dylan Goodell Nakari Morrical-Palmer
Sean Keasling Hannah Blevins
Brady Keith Trinity Robb
Kurt Krehbiel Sterling Harp
Kinsy McVay Nathan Barr
Brooke Petty Kyson Weidman
Chance Ptacek Ben Grauerholz
Pesha Ptacek Dawson Adams
Dawn Rohrer Jozlyn Jones
Bob Sauber Ben Monday
Stephanie Schell Keenan Johnson
Brad Settle Dylan Sprecker
Elane Stein Jeremiah Easley
Tammy Streit Joni Schroeder
Mary Weis Londyn Detlefson
Susan Wilson Korey Kogler