McVay brings the future to SES

Carter Smith, Copy Editor

Kinsy McVay has been an SES teacher for 8 Years. Part of his job in the most recent years has been teaching students how to use the 3D printers. The school currently owns six of these 3D printers which get used regularly. McVay spent time learning how to operate these printers so that students could do the same. 

“I first got interested in 3D printing through the internet and Youtube videos. Later, I found out we had an old 3D printer from the drafting program in storage. I was told If I could get it running I could use it, so I did. Once it got too difficult to maintain I started looking at alternate funds to purchase new ones for the school. I started using the 3D printers in my art classes just because it was a new fun way for kids to express their creativity that they hadn’t tried before and I’m always looking for those kinds of opportunities for students.”

3D printing is the Where’s Waldo of the school, you just have to look close enough. This year we added dividers to the cafeteria and some classrooms. The thing holding the dividers together is actually 3D printed. McVay found a design and printed the clips to hold the dividers. He has also used printing to create mask clips for hospitals and Ipad holders for the elementary school. Students have created designs like door stops and game pieces as well. 3D printing allows these students to create whatever they want and challenge themselves with their creations. Some of these creations can be fun and some solve problems.

Something that McVay started this year was a project board. If teachers have a request for something they want made they can send in their request and a student from his media tech class can choose to make it. Most of the students have gotten their chance to print. Senior Bree Isaacson chose to create custom made game pieces for a game called hnefatafl.

“I decided to make my hnefatafl game board because I saw it on Youtube. I figured I could 3D print the pieces and make the game board all by itself. I also thought it’d be a really cool media tech project.”

Senior Bryant Banks decided to make his own sound amplifier for his phone.

“My Iphone speaker wasn’t loud enough and I wanted to be able to listen to my phone while I was in the shower.”

Whether you choose to create something helpful or creative the choice is yours. Students’ minds are even less limited with their options of PLA which is the biodegradable plastic they use to print. The school owns many colors like blue, black, red, orange, green, and even a wood like material.

Recently the school has obtained 3D pens. This allows students to make even more designs and test their creativity. The cool thing is that you can do almost anything with 3D printing. Mr. McVay hopes that 3D printing will be used for the betterment of SES. 

 “The goal for 3D printing is to make it real word applicable. Most adults think it’s for printing toys but I’m trying to change that.”